here we start Activating egyfixlab
and as we start to give full support for egyfixlab we add Some needed and powerful sections to our Forum
1- FW Research
where we will Post Threads for Firmware analysis and Researches
also FW Update Analysis and how can we make use of these Researches to help us in Repair or Recovery issu
2- Data Recovery Researches
Based on analysis of physical issue or Logical issue we will go step by step in this Field to handle many Professional Threads
3- HDD electronics and MCU Researches
here our Goal is not Repair PCB only but also we are going to make Full support for SSD , SHDD , and Normal HDD
also the ways how can we physically Connect to hdd and how we gain gain Access to MCU
So we wish all of you enjoy next stage of egyfixlab Support in HDD world that just start now and
we hope all of you spend knowledgeable Time in egyfixlab .
with my best Regards
and as we start to give full support for egyfixlab we add Some needed and powerful sections to our Forum
1- FW Research
where we will Post Threads for Firmware analysis and Researches
also FW Update Analysis and how can we make use of these Researches to help us in Repair or Recovery issu
2- Data Recovery Researches
Based on analysis of physical issue or Logical issue we will go step by step in this Field to handle many Professional Threads
3- HDD electronics and MCU Researches
here our Goal is not Repair PCB only but also we are going to make Full support for SSD , SHDD , and Normal HDD
also the ways how can we physically Connect to hdd and how we gain gain Access to MCU
So we wish all of you enjoy next stage of egyfixlab Support in HDD world that just start now and
we hope all of you spend knowledgeable Time in egyfixlab .
with my best Regards